Announcing the Brand New...
Multi-Potentiostat modular system
Model 2560 powers up to eight Model 2559 and 2700 units, running independently or in parallel.
Introducing AMEL’s concept of Multipotentiostat
Model 2560 powers up to eight Model 2559 and 2700 units, running independently or in parallel.
Introducing AMEL’s concept of Multipotentiostat
Please, feel free to contact us for any kind of support.
Model 2560 powers up to eight Model 2559 and 2700 units, running independently or in parallel.
Introducing AMEL’s concept of Multipotentiostat
Please, feel free to contact us for any kind of support.
Model 2560 powers up to eight Model 2559 and 2700 units, running independently or in parallel.
Introducing AMEL’s concept of Multipotentiostat
AMEL S.r.l.
Via S.G.B. de la Salle, 4
20132 - Milano (Italy)